IND.E.CO. was founded in 1978 by people specialized in the construction field, with a large experience matured working both on domestic and foreign market, cooperating with international partners.
Even if it operates in all the fields of the civil construction, the company is established in the industrial and commercial buildings as well as foundations of industrial plants (rolling mills, presses, automatic warehouses etc.).
The company organization can efficiently activate all the cooperation needed for TURN KEY PLANT supply

The whole activity from the planning throughout the final delivery is organized according to ISO‑9001:2015, standards to which the company in certified since 2001.

As well as in the private sector, the IND.E.CO. It operates in the field of public procurement, for participation in which competed with the SOA, in the category OG1-ranking V °

Industrial buildings

Usually the technology is eventually integrated with prefabrication structures in work, with all the implications that characterize the durability of these works: the accuracy of assembly and maintenance related works, all while minimizing delivery times. With the understanding that it realizes a capital good, which is delivered first, before starting to produce.

Commercial buildings

We can boast references to structures destined to the most diverse activities: from supermarkets to motorway service stations, as well as nautical centers with facilities in the marine environment.

Office buildings

Already in the design phase we are able to help to define the requirements of use, giving priority to the modularity and flexibility of use of the spaces. In addition, special solutions optimize the placement and adaptation in the time of technology networks, with a focus on data networks.

Special works

In the design phase we can recommend solutions that facilitate the realization of works that often require typical accuracies of mechanical engineering and short lead times.
The experience gained, and strict coordination, allow realizations that minimize the interruption of the normal course of business, as well as ensure maximum integration with the activities of machine suppliers.

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Start of activity


Made building sites


Certification ISO-9001


SOA category OG1-class V°

indeco srl Via S. Giuseppe, 27, 33082 Azzano decimo PN Tel. 0434.632263 Fax 0434.632252 P. Iva 00243030939 - Privacy Policy